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Mondays, Motivation, and Momentum

For the past 8 months, I've been doing something differently that I believe has helped me to be more consistent with my exercise routine and successful with my health goals. That thing is called Sprint 8. I was introduced to Sprint 8 a little over a year ago, when a certification program became available at the YMCA, where I work part-time in addition to my business. Sprint 8 is an interval training program provided by up-to-date Matrix cardio machines. It's 20 minutes long and includes both a warm-up and a cool down, loaded with 8 high intensity 30 second intervals, split up by 90 second active rest periods. For example, if you are on a bike, you pedal at full speed for 30 seconds, and then for 90 seconds you pedal at a comfortable place to catch your breath and restore your energy. The science behind this, is that you are pushing your body hard enough and for long enough to release what is called the human growth hormone, which is known to be responsible for weight loss, muscle building, and slowing down active aging. You can get this effect in as little as two intervals, or as many as eight at a time, depending on your ability and your needs. If it sounds awful, trust me that it isn't. You are never doing more than what you can do, and in fact, you are realizing that you are able to do more than what you thought you could. At least, that is how it happened for me. I realized that I wasn't pushing myself hard enough during my workouts, and that I could safely do more and get more out of them. I love it. My clients love it. While you are working, you are being challenged to push as hard as you can all throughout the 30 second interval, as if you are "trying to escape a bear." There is what's called a sweat score at the bottom that you can use to assess how hard you are pushing within that 30 seconds. It's almost like a video game.

For the past year, I have been using this cardio workout in my routine anywhere from 2 to 3 times a week. Since December, I have been doing Sprint 8 on Mondays to get my week going. It helps me set healthy intentions for the week and inspires me to do other healthy things for myself. It sets a tone, and helps me start the week feeling strong. It can be done on a bike, an elliptical, or a treadmill. I even have a client who likes to be challenged to do this in the pool. We get creative with it. Since I became certified in Sprint 8 training, I've introduced this program to at least a dozen other people, and I don't believe any of them have disliked it. I've done this program with clients as young as 15, all the way up to 76, and there's nobody in between, including them, that hasn't been able to do it. Maybe you don't have access to Sprint 8, or maybe gyms aren't for you. That's OK. Find something that is, and try to start your week with it, every week. It can be anything, but it has to be something. For more information on Sprint 8, click here.

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