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Day 4 of Breaking Booze Part II

It's different this time around. I suppose I shouldn't call it 'Part II'. It implies that it's a continuation of sorts, or maybe even a prequel. It is certainly not coming to you from the same writer/creator. My life has shifted since the last 'Breaking Booze' blog. Slowly but surely I have made it to where I am, which feels so far from where I was then. I may have awoken sooner, but at the time, I was still finding ways to put myself back to sleep, so to speak. Over the past two years, despite some struggles here and troubles there, I've improved. I've improved my health, my life, my love. I have worked hard at it. I've skipped parties and turned down events. I've started saying, "No" and I've gotten quite good at it. I take certain things less personally and others, more. I've rooted out most of the sources of the negative, the toxic, the unhealthy and downright despicable. I listen to myself and I trust myself. And I no longer let people who I know to know so little, control so much. How did I do all this? I'd love to figure out a way to tell you, but I don't know that it would make sense. Have you ever seen the meme with the guy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and he's standing in front of all these graphs and charts and arrows, looking crazed, trying to explain something? Or maybe you've seen the depiction of success demonstrated in a map of sorts, whereas opposed to a clear, straight line from here to there, it's a squiggly mess? The point is, it might not make sense to you. You have to figure out your own squiggly way. So with that said, trust your gut, listen to yourself, and get away from anyone or anything that makes you feel any kind of bad, ever and always. Thanks for coming!

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