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Ch-ch-ch-check out why Chia Seeds are so Good for You!

Chia seeds have more protein than eggs, most cereals, and grains. For being so small, they are packed with nutrition. They range in color, but there is no nutritional difference among them. "Chia" is the ancient Mayan word for "strength", and its seeds come from the chia plant, which is part of the mint family. Chia seeds have been shown to help improve digestive health, as well as aiding to lower risks of heart disease and diabetes. They are rich in minerals and antioxidants, and an excellent source of fiber amongst other things. I started using chia seeds in my smoothies a few years back after I'd learned that regular consumption can help you lose weight and reduce belly fat. Here's the caveat: eating too many can risk reversing weight loss. Again, we are faced with the notion of moderation. Just a little reminder that it is key to many and most circumstances. So, don't eat too many. But back to what you should do. To get the maximum effects of the chia seeds, it's best to soak them them overnight as it extracts all the nutritional goodness and can even provide you with more hydration. You just need a teaspoon or two. Two tablespoons per day should be the maximum for an adult, while 1 tablespoon per day is recommended for children. You can add them to your smoothie, salad, yogurt, pudding, fruit, vegetables, you name it. Combining the chia seeds with certain ingredients will also help you to get the optimal nutritional boost, such as oatmeal or yogurt. You can find this magical little superfood in most grocery stores, either in the health/organic aisle, baking aisle, and/or bulk section.

And there you have it. Something so small that can make a huge difference. I invite you to look at your life like this - your health especially. In the words of Dr. Leo Marvin in the movie 'What About Bob?', "baby steps", are what will get you to your goals so as not to be overwhelmed. Health is lifelong. It's not a diet or a trend, or something we tend to when we have a big event coming up or we want to look good in a bathing suit. It's everything. Start somewhere. Start small. Start today.

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