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Can I Exercise with Covid?

For the first time, in all this time, I have Covid. I tested positive yesterday after taking the day off from work. I woke up feeling very dry and uncomfortable. I questioned whether I overdid it in the weight room the day before or if I didn't stretch sufficiently after. I thought about how much water I drank. But I felt depleted and lethargic in ways that were unfamiliar to me. I texted my clients for the day and went back to bed for several hours. One of them suggested I take a Covid test as I had similar symptoms as her husband. It read positive right away. I sat looking at it in disbelief. Why? I don't know, really, but I never truly thought I would get it. I've taken precautions and am vaccinated and am very Covid-conscious, as a client would put it. My wife had it and I still didn't get it. But here I was, imagining what my life was going to look like over the next five or so days, and if I would be one of the lucky ones, or not. So far, I am feeling very much like I have a bad cold. It's mostly in my head and face, but it's also in my chest and I feel aches throughout my body. I am fatigued and have a bad cough. For treatment, I am on a combination of cold medicine and an anti-inflammatory. I'm drinking a lot of water and mostly resting, as I've read that is what is best for me to do at this time.

I spent most of Day 1 sleeping. I watched a movie and folded some towels. I fed cats. I ate very little, although my wife made us a carrot ginger soup that I thought would certainly heal me. The pureed texture and spices were as nourishing as it gets and relieving too. But alas, I'm spending the first part of Day 2 trying to figure out if I can exercise or not because I woke up feeling like garbage again. I know what a lot of you are thinking about the exercise thing, but for me, it's very much like medicine. I would compare it to a switch or even that "magic pill" people talk about to lose weight and feel great. Well, that's exercise for me. It helps me process emotions and events just as much as it helps me improve my brain health, manage my weight, strengthen my bones and muscles and reduce my risk of disease. I feel better and I do better when I am able to exercise regularly. And now, with that said, what's next for me now that I have Covid?

According to Dr. Daniel Montero, a Mayo Clinic sports medicine physician, "If you have symptoms above the neck, things like runny nose, sneezing, of the common cold, such as nasal congestion or runny nose, or minor sore throat, you're OK to exercise. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening up your nasal passages, for instance. But you may want to reduce the intensity and length of your workout, and limit group activities."

Dr. Montero says that if you have a fever; body aches; fatigue, or other symptoms, such as a stomachache or hacking couch, it's best to get bed rest until the symptoms subside. He also says, "We recommend you postpone exercise if you have symptoms 'below the neck,' such as chest congestion, hacking cough and upset stomach."

Considering I'm experiencing all but the fever (knock on wood), it looks like I will be changing things up for a little while and resting a bit longer. I am now accepting movie recommendations at this time. Thank you for reading and stay safe!

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