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And the Award for the Best Apple Goes to...

Updated: Jul 3, 2021

Personally, I like Granny Smith, but any good apple is a good apple. The nutritional benefits between green and red apples are minimal. If you want to talk about the difference amongst the 2,500 different kinds of apples grown in the United States alone, I will have to get back with you pending further research. Don't be overwhelmed. Only about 100 of those are grown commercially. Red apples do have more antioxidants, but green apples have less sugar and carbs than red ones. Green apples also have more fiber, protein, potassium, iron, and vitamin k. But again, the differences are slight. Green apples are a little more tart, whereas red apples are a bit sweeter. I started using green apples in juices somewhere around 2017. I really only recently started eating and very much enjoying them as a snack. Fun fact, I haven't been able to bite into an apple since middle school. My dentist at the time, thought it would be a good idea to remove my top lateral incisors - a total of two teeth - because they were in the wrong spot. Long story short, that is not the route my dentist would have taken today, or then for that matter. After a series of dental appliances, life without the two teeth for a short period (also known as hell), way too much of my mom's money then and way too much of mine now, the teeth falling out on a few occasions - once in Lake Michigan, fun story - painstaking efforts to maintain my confidence, a few procedures and a lot more money, I now have implants. I still am not supposed to bite into apples though. So, I never ate them. My girlfriend introduced me to apple slicers about four years ago. Before then, it hadn't occurred to me to cut the apple up. Or if it did, I didn't do it. I didn't learn how to use knives in the kitchen until my late twenties and frankly, I was scared of them. But, boy, do I digress.

Apples as a snack. Yes. So, here's the thing about apples, they are best eaten in the morning hours, and actually should NOT be eaten at night. What you think is a wise, light choice for the evening hours, can actually be a load on your intestinal functions. Besides making you gassy, the nutritional benefits that keep you alert, keep you up.

You also shouldn't eat too many apples in a day. I know, damned if you do and damned if you don't, right? But not really. It's more of a moderation thing. It almost always is. It's not that you can't, you just can't all the time, or too much. It's a lesson in life a lot of people are yet to learn and even longer yet to practice. Two apples a day is ideal. If you're eating more than that on a regular basis, it could not only cause digestive issues and poorly affect your intestines, but it could also cause fluctuations in blood sugar.

So, there you have it. Eat the apples you like, but not a night, and no more than two. And do be sure to wash them well. Peace, love, and two apples.

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